Thursday, August 15, 2013


I have been thinking of starting a blog for the longest time now. I was hesitant at first because I know blogging is a full time commitment and I'm not sure if I can subject myself to that kind of responsibility. Blogging will consume large amount of my time, my precious bumming-around-the-house time, and I'm not ready to give that up yet. But makeup blogs served as my bible for the past year and the more I read them, the more my passion grew. Make-ups or beauty in general is my passion. And I can really hear the blogging angel call my name. I think its about time I share what I know, what I discovered, what I have been obsessed with, and what I love. I can blab about the beauty world for the rest of my life and I won't feel the slightest boredom. I think I'm ready. I think I'm ready to UNRAVEL THE WORLD OF BEAUTY, ONE SHADE AT A TIME. 

Yes, I am inside a moving vehicle while writing my very first post.

P.S. I'm still learning how to actually write a blogpost. All the html's making my brain melt. I'm no techie and I swear computer tweaking is not my best asset. For the mean time, please bear with my lack of creativity. When I get the hang of this, I'll make sure to make reading a pleasure to all of you.


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